A spectre, an illustrator and a mobile

Sounds like the beginning to a joke right… I got nothing.

Listen and enjoy peculiar beautiful visuals.

I found out that an artist/illustrator who’s work I’ve used extensively in lessons is making an appearance at Where The Wild Things Are tomorrow evening.

I’m planning to attend and perhaps even make a frivolous purchase.

Ken robinson quote

Gavin Aung Than of Zen Pencils.

Tonight, thanks to the gracious baby sitting skills of a colleague N and I were able to go to the cinema and see Spectre. Classicly formulaic Bond, at times thrilling, at times very cheesy. The plot, spoiler warning, largely revolves around the bad guy failing to kill 007 in ever larger and more elaborate set pieces. Lots of fun to get out of the house and spend an evening like social adults.

Reporting continues, I’ll do some calligraphy if I can still keep my eyes open when I get to the bottom of the maths assessment pile.


We were given this mobile among the many baby gifts. I liked the idea but found the execution lacking, so I made my own. I like mine better, it also had a large rubber band winding mechanism and I have considered trying to put a salable kit together.


Edit: Removed the dodgy .gif as it is not playing properly and I have neither time nor energy to try and repair it tonight.

Lastly, tonight I found one of the wife’s guilty pleasures left open among the chrome tabs.

Enjoy 😀



Shelving a simmering rant

I’m stewing on a proper post about western responses to terrorism but I don’t have it in me tonight.

Something to do with violence begetting violence, the unreasonableness of people without imagination and literalism taken to absurd extremes.
Coupled with my own unreasonable anger at people using #pray tags, but I really don’t want to indulge hostile atheism. Here are a few links I’ve followed today

Russell brand & Waleed Aly (warning news.com.au link) both have good points to make.
First Dog hits pretty close to home with the ‘hipsterisation of grief‘ dig.
I finished this piece in the September holidays last year. It solves a number of small around the desk storage issues and lifts things out of reach of infants. Looks cool too. It is holding up well for a foam core prototype held together with pins and glue. Every space in it is now in use. I would like to have it cut from perspex, timber or metal. As there are a number of angled cuts it will need to be CNC milled rather than laser cut. Unless there are laser cutters with a rotating head I have not heard of anyway. This was a fun piece to build, I’d like to make more pieces in a similar style.






Of Pen boxes and baby birds

Started reporting in earnest today.


Doing a Word of the Day (#WOTD) from a while back as there isn’t a fresh one up on r/calligraffiti today.

A photo posted by @liatach on

I have an unfinished vector template for this pen box I prototyped at… I think probably Christmas last year.


Intention was to have it laser cut in two versions. One with moorish or celtic calligraphic etched knotwork, one plain. Just one of the many creations I would like to see through to completion. I’ve really let calligraphy practice slide so I’m going to focus on that and I’m pretty sure the pen box will work its way through to the front of the queue in short order.


The currawongs nesting high in the branches outside my classroom window have a big fat fluffy chick in their nest. Bloody impossible to get a decent photo of but rather cute and pretty exciting for the kids.  I’m really hoping I get to see its first flights. It’s in this photo but mostly as a smudge on the left edge of the nest.