This afternoon I’ve planted out a bunch of seedlings and tinkered with a few panels of the new fence. I aim to paint some before bed. Last night I completed two sketch cards and I’m trying to keep momentum.
I had a 7:45 call in, which is very late, for a day with a three/ four class with no run sheet, my favourite kind of relief day actually. It means I can be something altogether and completely different. I can treat them as my own class for a day and expand the students horizons of what learning at school can be like. Today after a brief introduction we did writing on demand about which skills we would prioritise developing and how. I have been using as a good example of how complex skills can be mastered by a process of discovery. We spent reading groups reading from a selection of one act plays and poetry books grabbed at the last minute from the library. Later I took them to the computer lab for an Hour of Code and in the afternoon we did a drawing lesson in which stick figures were banned and star figures were introduced.
An idea occurred to me during a numeracy activity that I should formalise my thoughts on the way a few different maths concepts like area and perimeter are taught in the form of instructional video Vlog entries.
It is Westworld night but N is down with a headache, hopefully only dehydration. It is getting so hot here after a year of summer a bit more Scottish weather would be lovely.
The Glenfinnan Monument as viewed from the lookout for the much more famous Glenfinnan viaduct on a wet July/August day.
It seems that you are flourishing out there. Keeping those positive goals is admirable. I hope Nadine feels better soon